Diablo 4: 5 Best Legendary Aspects For Sorcerer

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In this article, we'll be looking at five of the Sorcerer's best Aspects you can earn in Diablo 4 and explain what makes these Legendary affixes so much better than the rest.

Creating the best Sorcerer build in Diablo 4 will require the use of Legendary Aspects, and it just so happens that the Sorcerer has many great options. Now in this article, we'll be looking at five of the Sorcerer's best Aspects you can earn in Diablo 4 and explain what makes these Legendary affixes so much better than the rest.

1. Exploiter's Aspect: You have a 20% increased crowd control duration. While enemies are Unstoppable, you deal [20-50%] increased damage to them.

Exploiter's Aspect slightly increases your CC effect duration and gives a massive damage bonus while fighting Unstoppable targets, enemies that are immune to CC effects. Unstoppable tends to affect Elites when they break out of crowd control effects. More importantly, bosses count as Unstoppable until their stagger meter breaks, effectively giving you a permanent damage bonus for most boss fights. Another special is you can socket this into helmets, chest armor, or boots.

2. Aspect Of Ancient Flame: While both bonuses from Esu's Ferocity are active, your attack speed is increased by [35-50]%.

Ancient Flame is so powerful that many Sorcerer builds opt to use Esu's Ferocity solely to leverage this Aspect. Esu's Ferocity is a keystone passive that buffs the critical stats of your fire skills. However, you can activate both effects of Esu's Ferocity by landing a critical kill or landing a critical hit on a boss. You don't need a fire skill either; any critical hit/kill will work. This means that every Sorcerer build can take advantage of a free 50% attack speed bonus if they build around critical strikes and take Esu's Ferocity. 

3. Aspect Of The Umbral: Restore [1-4] of your mana when you crowd control an enemy.

Fixing the Sorcerer's mana sustain issues can be difficult, but the Aspect of the Umbral sure makes that easier. Whenever you inflict a crowd control effect on an enemy, you'll gain a small chunk of mana. This seems insignificant at first, but stunning eight or more targets at once can restore a third of your mana with a high Umbral affix roll. For builds that focus on inflicting CC effects, Aspect of the Umbral can greatly help with mana sustain issues and generally improve Core and Mastery ability uptime in Nightmare Dungeons and Pit runs.

4. Aspect Of Disobedience: You gain [0.4-0.7]% increased armor for four seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to [25-40]%.

Aspect of Disobedience scales your armor rating for every source of damage inflicted recently. You'll need to inflict 100 sources of damage to achieve the full effect of this Aspect, but that is surprisingly easy to hit when you realize just how many things trigger Disobedience. Skill damage, damage-over-time sources, and even Thorns trigger this Aspect's armor bonus. Conjuration skills are also a great way to ramp up this buff quickly. Since armor mitigates all physical damage in Diablo 4, scaling this stat makes you substantially tankier in all endgame activities, making this a must-own Aspect for most builds.

5. Gravitational Aspect: Ball Lightning orbits around you and deals [10-25]% increased damage.

Ball Lightning has the potential to be one of the strongest abilities available to the Sorcerer, provided you're running the Aspect of Gravitational Orbit. This causes Ball Lightning to orbit around your character instead of traveling in a line. Builds that don't build around Ball Lightning can still make use of this Aspect, notably any lightning build that takes advantage of Unstable Currents. Activate your ultimate, start spamming your lightning skill, and tons of Ball Lightning projectiles will orbit your character and melt anything nearby. Throw in manual Ball Lightning casts too, and you'll have over a dozen projectiles around your character at any given moment.

That is all you need to know about the 5 best legendary aspects for sorcerers in Diablo 4. If you like this guide and want to know more, please visit U4gm. In addition, they offer Diablo 4 Boss Materials For Sale here that help you quickly summon bosses and earn various unique rewards.
